The constitution making process was launched in March 2014 following two Presidential Decrees which established the Constitution Drafting Commission and outlined its structure, functions and rules of procedure. The Office of the Special Adviser has developed an integrated programme in support of this process, including the creation of a Yemeni Secretariat and the provision of international and local expertise, in order to provide guidance on good practices and lessons learned from other experiences.
The Commission is comprised of 17 members, 30 per cent of whom are women. It adopted its rules of procedure, code of conduct and work plan. Shortly afterwards, it commenced the drafting process on the basis of the constitutional principles outlined in the Outcome Document of the National Dialogue. This Document stipulated that a National Body shall oversee the implementation of the National Dialogue outcomes, follow the proceedings of the Constitution Drafting Commission, and ensure the constitution is being drafted along the outlines of the Dialogue outcomes. Furthermore, the 82 members of the National Body shall agree upon the draft constitution, and hand it to the President, who shall then take the necessary constitutional procedures to hold a referendum.
The Office of the Special Adviser remains keen during this period, to continue providing diplomatic, political, financial and technical support as needed in order to fully implement the remaining key tasks of the transition.